Sunday, July 6, 2014

Migrant workers deserve respect

THAILAND - The NCPO says the idea is to boost transparency and curb exploitation of the workers by Thai officials and others.

Nevertheless, one thing the NCPO must care about is the need for a sense of justice in dealings with all foreign workers, regardless of their country of origin.

Many of these migrant workers are undocumented and efforts are now underway to grant them legal status.

The country received a wake-up call following reports of an imminent crackdown on illegal workers.

And the reports triggered an exodus among Cambodian workers, more than 200,000 of whom streamed back home over the border.

Thai authorities need to think how to improve their quality of life, which is usually dire.

This means better housing, affordable healthcare, education for their children, and so on. More than 10,000 children of Myanmar workers live in Samut Sakhon alone, according to one estimate.

 We need to understand that these workers have feelings like anyone else, and a desire to be treated with respect and dignity.

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