Friday, July 11, 2014

Cambodia,US teacher found in rubbish dump

PHNOM PENH: - An American man whose battered body was found wrapped in a curtain on a garbage dump near the capital, Cambodian police were investigating the death of William Glenn, 43 an American teacher who spent the past decade teaching in Thailand, then went to Cambodia and was looking for a job teaching in Phnom Penh as recently as May 2014.

A young boy bringing garbage from his home to the trash heap in Kouk Roka commune’s Andong village – located near a primary school – found the body at about 6am yesterday, Andong villager Tham Setha said. The boy ran away, telling adults he had seen a ghost.

Neighbours gathered around to take a look at the scene, Setha said, before calling to police.

Bruises was on the man’s body and some blood from his nose, so this was murder," local police chief Yim Saran told reported.

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