Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Thai world cup gamblers unrest

THAILAND : The 2014 FIFA World Cup drew to a close in Brazil last night   in Thailand's local time — with Germany crowned as the world champion in a 1-0 defeat against Argentina.

Police crackdown on football gamblers this World Cup season, many people still managed to bet on the games through networks of dealers that escaped police attention, said Pol.Maj.Gen. Kamolsanti Klanbut, commander of Kanchanaburi police.

In order to prevent the surge of potential crimes, the police have increased patrols and deployed undercover agents at shopping malls, markets, grocery stores, and gold shops across the province, Pol.Maj.Gen. Kamolsanti said.

Police  officer  advised  citizens to report  if they see anyone acting in suspicious ways.

According to data released by the Royal Thai Police yesterday, 4,720 people have been arrested across the country for charges related to football gambling this year.

249 of the arrested individuals were organisers of gambling rings, 128 were coordinators, and the rest are gamblers.

Over 34 million baht has been confiscated in connection with these gambling networks, police say.

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