Thursday, July 31, 2014

Central Bank Warns Of Counterfeit 1,000-Baht Bank Notes

THAILAND : -- Central Bank of Thailand has warned the people of its detection of counterfeit 1,000- baht banknotes in circulation but assured they could be easily distinguished by sights and touches.

According to central bank said the counterfeit banknotes it discovered  bore the serial numbers of 9ฉA 3828862 and 9ฉA 3828863 and they could be easily distinguished as they did not have the watermark of His Majesty the King. 

Also watermarks of the King on the white space of authentic notes are noticeable on both sides.

Their Thai paintings are translucent and their metallic sheens show their denomination numbers.

The central bank said authentic banknotes were made from special paper that were hard and durable and tolerated folding and pulling,  while added  that finger touches on denomination numbers of genuine notes give the feeling of friction.

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