Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Spider-Bitten Patient Dies In Hospital

PHRAE : -- Man in Phrae province who was bitten by a Brown Tarantula spider and had his leg amputated to save his life has died of intestinal haemorrhage. 

Deputy director of Phrae provincial hospital, Dr Thongchai Meeluekarn, said that the patient, Mr Uthai Wiangkham, a native of Mae Puak, Den Chai district, was placed under 24-hour watch after he had his leg which was bitten by the spider amputated in order to spare his life.

The patient developed kidney failure after the surgery and his condition continued to deteriorate with intestinal haemorrhage being detected due to low blood platelet, he said.

Mr Uthai’s body was later brought by his relatives back to his home town for funeral.

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