Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Gender Gains Still Fall Behind


PHNOM PENH : -- Marginalisation and under-education of women in Cambodia, remains among the worst in the world, a new report says. 

Organisations development have long recognised the centrality of women and girls in the fight to eradicate poverty. But in practice, the pace of poverty alleviation in the region is slacking, mired in a rut of inequality, according to the latest United Nations Human Development  report.

Cambodia drops towards the bottom of the low development category.

 Human Development Report bumps Cambodia up one ranking place to 136th out of the 187 countries rated, but the Kingdom’s development index – which takes into account standard of living, knowledge and the ability to live a long healthy life – clocked in well below the regional average (0.584 compared to 0.703). And when factoring in inequalities in education and income too.

Mostly females, the education index in Cambodia lags woefully behind the rest of ASEAN.  

Only some 9.9 per cent of Cambodian females 25 and older have had some secondary school education, among the lowest in the world, on a par with Afghanistan, Rwanda and Sierra Leone.

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