Sunday, July 27, 2014

Thailand faces flooding

SI SA KET :  ----  Several Thai regions, especially  in the northeast, have been hit by natural disaster, with  underwater.

SiSaKet Governor Prateep Kiratilekha has inspected flooding in  Benchalak district and in villages, after heavy downpours hampered access to the area for several days, causing the water level to rise considerably.

Most areas the water was as high as 3 metres, prompting the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) to cut off power from the district as a safety precautions.

Mahasarakham Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Office chief Sitthipol Sa-ngium reported that the province is seeing continuous rainfall, the province's 17 reservoirs face water shortages, with overall capacity now standing at only 21.48 per cent of their 81.42 million cubic metres.

The disaster director said his work-force will  closely monitor the situation around and to provide immediate assistance to the public.

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