Sunday, July 20, 2014

Thai police to be reformed

THAILAND : -  Bangkok Poll have wanted the police force to be reformed, Over 90 percent of the people polled against Thai police and 34.8 percent of them have identified corruption as the top priority problem that they would like the new national police chief to tackle. 

The poll was conducted by Bangkok University which sampled 1, 239 people across the country.

If  asked about police restructure to prevent political interference, 88.9 percent said they agreed with this reform while 11.1 percent disagreed.

When asked if  they would prefer the police to be answerable to each respective provincial governor, 64.5 percent said they agreed with the idea while 35.5 percent disagreed.

And when asked what is the problem they most want the police to tackle, 34.8 percent identified police corruption and 26.1 percent said public safety problem and 20 percent identified illicit drugs.

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