Monday, July 14, 2014

Thai Low-income earners minimum wage

THAILAND :   Thai  Factory workers and those in the low-income range have complaints that  their wages are on the rise, but their expenses have risen faster due to higher costs of living. 

Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI), revealed that workers have expressed dissatisfaction with their quality of life. with 13 percent of the lower working class have reported increased income, 16 percent of them also had increased expenses.

By 2015  300 baht wage would not be adequate for workers to make ends meet, let alone enabling the lower working class to salt anything away. Mr. Yongyuth the President of the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) said the minimum wage policy was simply a temporary measure to help boost psychological support that workers were making more money. However, it only masked the real problem that higher income usually meant higher costs of living.

The National Statistical Office revealed that all  workers under 25 years of age had been able to save at least 656 baht per month in their  accounts before the wage policy came into force. Nowadays, this same group of people manages to save only 364 baht per month.

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