Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Laos, Thailand determine to tackle cross-border human trafficking

THAILAND :  Laos and Thailand have agreed to work together to tackle the ongoing cross-border human trafficking as officials of both counrtries held talks last week in Laos.

 Since numbers of the Laos workers have become victims of human trafficking with women and girls the most vulnerable group especially those working illegally.

These workers were forced into the sex trade, or forced to work in factories, restaurants, farms, and fisheries or as housekeepers, among other activities, according to the report.

 Last week’s meeting  of Lao and Thai authorities in charge of human trafficking of both countries discussed to strengthen their cooperation including the exchange of information.

 The 144 victims who have already been sent back to Laos, another 110 are being held at a detention centre in Thailand for investigation.

Thai authorities have confirmed their plan to legalise alien workers so they would not continue to be victimised by human traffickers and would be entitled to the same legal protection and welfare that Thai workers receive said reporter.

Office of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare Khamkhane Phinsavanh led the Lao delegation at the talks.

Thai delegation pledged to speed up their investigations and send back those still in the detention centre.

Lao team vowed to follow up with those victims who were sent back to Laos in order to help them normalise their return to society and living with their families.

Recently, the Thai authorities announced they would take concrete step to regulate foreign workers, especially the illegal ones, amid reports which suggest that a number of foreigners are still working illegally in the kingdom.

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