Monday, July 7, 2014

Junta reforms ahead

THAILAND - Official says too much debate could prolong the NCPO's stay before a poll,, If the reform council has other issues they can add them.

But do not debate too much, as it will be time consuming and will make the National Council for Peace and Order [NCPO] stay in power longer, he said.

Permanent secretary General Surasak Kanchanarat yesterday urged the sooner National Reform Council to quickly propose measures so the military junta could leave the scene as scheduled.

The general, who is part of the ruling junta, spoked at a seminar on reform host by the Defence Ministry in collaboration with King Prajadhipok Institute (KPI).

 Surasak, who did the opening speech at the seminar, said by listening to various sectors he had discovered that political reform was the main highlight of the national reform process followed by how to tackle graft and corruption, and reforming the bureaucracy. 

How should political parties be reformed to make them truly mass-based with people's participation and not just a political party belonging to a person or a few people? 

Should a system of directly electing the prime minister be adopted and would it be suitable in the current political situation? 

How should politicians be fairly scrutinised and impeached?.

Should the Bangkok governor be changed because they are elected?

Surasak said that political reform included deciding how politicians should be chosen, scrutinised and punished.

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