Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Malaysian Team At MH17 Crash Site

KUALA LUMPUR : -- The Royal Malaysian Police special investigations team has arrived at the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash site in Donetsk, Ukraine, but were prevented from starting their search due to fighting nearby, said  Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad ZahidHamidi.

The minister said the 21-man team, led by Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, had arrived at the crash site safely, but were prevented from starting their search and retrieval of evidence by rebels.

“On the way to the crash site, the team was heavily guarded by authorities, and also saw a lot of war damage in the area, he said in a statement Monday.

Zahid said rebels did not allow them to begin their search for their own safety.

For now, the team could only take cover at an area near the location by the roadside while waiting for the situation to be more safe and stable, said the statement.

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