Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Channel 3 Reporter Passes Out In Between Railway Tracks

BANGKOK : -- A Channel 3 female reporter and announcer  passed out and fell in between the railway tracks while waiting to board the train at the BTS Morchit station this morning.
The incident happened at about 8.30 a.m. Tuesday.

The reporter identified later as Miss Warunrat Kalaphand, 27, was standing at the platform when she suddenly passed out and fell in between the rail tracks.

Fortunately she was seen by other passengers and security guards.

Power supply to the railroad was cut and a guard quickly ran to the tracks and  remove her  out before the train would arrive.

She was later admitted to Kasemrat Prachachuen hospital.

She was neither injured nor suffered any broken bones or bruises. But doctor advised her to stay overnight to check.

She told reporters that she boarded BTS train to work as usual but felt dizzy while waiting for the train.
She tried to walk back to the station but could not make it, and passed out.

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