Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Navy Warns Of Space Debris Landing Near Phuket

PHUKET: -- The Royal Thai Navy has issued a warning to all shipping to stay away from an area of the Andaman Sea where components of an Indian space shot are likely to fall back into the sea after launch.

The exact date of the launch of the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is not certain – it is currently scheduled to be on March 29, and should not be later than April 8.

The launch vehicle will carry a solar-powered 1.38-ton IRNSS-1D regional navigational satellite into geosynchronous orbit. The satellite will provide navigation, tracking and mapping services.

The Navy warned, “Please do not go close to, or pass through that area until after April 8.”

The warning also gave coordinates marking out the expected debris landing area: 9°15’00”N 94°45’00”E;10°05’00”N 95°05’00”E; 9°45’00”N 96°00’00”E; and 8°55’00”N 95°40’00”E.

The centre of the area is roughly 250 nautical miles (460 km) to the west-north-west of Phuket, not far from Car Nicobar Island.

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