Sunday, March 22, 2015

Myanmar Woman Arrested In Phuket For Drug Dealing

PHUKET : -- A woman from Myanmar was arrested for drug dealing after being found in possession of methamphetamine (ya bah) and crystal meth (ya ice).

Immigration police arrested Thi Car Myint (Chu), 35, at a workers camp in the the Vichit district. She had in her possession 60 ya bah pills, .2 grams of ya ice and 15 B100 bank notes.

Immigration Policeman told The Phuket News, “We have followed a group of Myanmar workers we believed were involved in drugs for two or three months.

“An undercover officer managed to buy 10 ya bah pills from one of them yesterday for B2,500.

We found the workers camp they lived in and decided to carry out a raid. When we raided the camp some of the workers runaway but we managed to apprehend Chu, and when we searched her she had 60 ya bah pills and .2grams of ya ice in her possession.

“We believe that Chu has been supplying drugs to a number of workers in the area.”

Chu is now being held at Vichit Police Station where she is to be charged with possession of Category 1 drugs with intent to sell.

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