Monday, March 2, 2015

More Than 3,000 Kilogrammes Of Ivory Tusks Registered In One Month

BANGKOK: -- Over three tonnes of ivory tusks have been registered after one month of the enforcement of the Ivory Act B.E. 2558.

However, it was reported that many traders in ivory tusks were worried that the tusks in their possession might not be registered with the Wildlife Conservation Office within the 3-month reprieve because of the lack of evidences to prove the origin of the tusks.

Traders in ivory tusks are mainly concentrated in Chatuchak and Tha Prachan areas and many of these shops have stopped trading as they could not find evidences to back up how the tusks were acquired.

The Business Development Department has reported that the number of shops trading in ivory tusks have already dropped from 200 to just over 30 which corresponds with the wish of the Wildlife Conservation Office to regulate the trade in ivory tusks.

As for private possession of ivory tusks or ivory products, any individual who possesses more than half a kilogramme of tusk or over 12 pieces of ivory products are required to register with supporting evidences.

Evading registration is liable to both fine and imprisonment.

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