Monday, March 2, 2015

Call For Less Fattening Food Offering To Monks

Bangkok: – Public Health Minister RatchataRatchatanawin has urged merit-makers to ensure healthy diet for Buddhist monks.
Offering fattening food for monks leads to rising numbers of illnesses caused by obesity as more than five per cent of monks are overweight, Ratchata said.
Under the Disciplinary Canon, monks are obliged to accept and partake in food given as alms by laymen.
In a health survey of 98,561 monks, one in three have oral health problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
Because of poor diet and lack of exercise, one in 20 monks is likely to suffer obesity-related diseases.
The public health minister said temple’s followers should safeguard good health of their revered monks by offering balanced and nutritious meals.
Food alms should not include very sweet desserts and spicy, fattening and low-fibre cooking.
Suggested healthy meals have high-fibre vegetables, fresh fruits, and beans.
Monks should be offered fruit juice or no-sugar beverages in lieu of soft drinks.
Sugary sweets should be avoided.
In related news, Department of Health has launched the awareness campaign designed to promote healthy diet.
The department is to work in cooperation with monks to convince the public to change eating habit under the slogan “Less Dietary Risk, Less Illnesses”.
The health authorities have designated one temple per district as the coordinating centre for the campaign activities.
Some 3,044 temples nationwide are taking part in the campaign. Of the total, 921 temples have received the citations for exemplary achievements on healthy diet.

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