Sunday, January 18, 2015

US Officially Asks Thailand To Recall Her Contaminated Apples

BANGKOK : The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has formally notified Thailand's Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of contaminated apple from the US and asked Thai authorities to re-call apple imports from the markets  due to bacterial contamination. 
However the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has inspected the cargos from the USA and has not found any contamination in the shipments to Thailand.

Deputy director-general of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Mr Wimol Jantarothai disclosed the US notification after inspecting the apple shipments from the USA from six importers namely Fiesta Fruit, MB Fresh International, Paramount Export, United Fruit, Voita Systas and Dovax Export.

According to the Ministry, none of the mentioned companies had imported the two brands of apples that were reported to contain bacterial contamination.

He also declared that the Thai public may continue consuming apples worry free.

Meanwhile with regard to the shipment of apples that have been impounded at the Laem Chabang Warehouse, the Ministry has confirmed that this cargo also did not include the two brands (Granny Smith and Gala) but is pending formal testing by the Thai FDA.

Thai Food and Drug Administration deputy secretary-general Prapon Angtrakoon stated that the ground bacteria which contaminated apples as announced by the US FDA causes Listeriosis; a bacterial infection which primarily causes infections of the central nervous system (meningitis, meningoencephalitis, brain abscess, cerebritis) and bacteremia in those who are immunocompromised,[2] pregnant women, and those at the extremes of age (newborns and the elderly), as well as gastroenteritis in healthy persons. Symptoms of Listeriosis are muscle aches, fever and gastrointestinal symptoms.

Mr Prapon, however, commented that the possibility of infection of Listeriosis in the Kingdom is low as most Thai consumers wash and peel apples before consumption which minimises infection.

To be on the safe side, it is recommended that apples be washed with clean water for 2-3 minutes and peeled.

He  also stated that although the impounded cargo does not include the two brand of apples, the shipment will still be inspected for any disease and bacterial contamination per the Thai FDA’s policy.

It is expected that the results of the inspection will be available within 3-7 days.

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