Sunday, August 23, 2015

Angry Chinese Ask: Why Did So Many Firefighters Die In Tianjin Explosion?

BEIJING — Last Wednesday night, 25 members of the fifth company of the Tianjin Port Group fire department rushed to the site of an explosion.

They were mostly young men, some just new-in-town teenagers. Eleven hailed from the same county in Hebei province, at least two from the same small town.

None made it out.

Now, almost a week after the massive, chemical-fueled blasts that left more than 100 dead and dozens missing, the fate of these young contract firefighters has become a focal point in a story that has gripped China and sent authorities scrambling to stay ahead of mounting public rage.

Chinese officials have yet to say conclusively what caused the blasts but have acknowledged that there were dozens of types of chemicals on site, including a reported 700 tons of sodium cyanide, 800 tons of ammonium nitrate and 500 tons of potassium nitrate.

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