Saturday, July 18, 2015

Chinese Businessman Says He Was Extorted By Thai Police

CHIANG MAI — A Chinese businessman told police in northern Thailand today that a man who claimed to be a police officer threatened to kill him if he did not fork over 4.3. million baht.

The businessman, Yian Tong, and his Thai wife, Mananthacha Kasema, filed the complaint with the Fifth Region Police in Chiang Mai.

According to Mananthacha, Yian started a tour company and resort in Chiang Mai several years ago, and later leased the business to another Chinese busineman named Tong Wan under a one year-contract. However, six months after the contract started police raided the company for hiring staff without proper work permits and organizing group tours without registering with the Immigration police.

Tong Wan then asked to terminate the contract, and demanded that Yian pay him 4.3 million baht in damages, even though he still owed Yian more than 500,000 baht in rent, Mananthacha said.

"My husband and I didn't break the contract, and we are the victims in this because we don't get rent money from him," Mananthacha said.

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