Friday, December 19, 2014

White House Views Attack As Security Issue

WASHINGTON: -- A cyber attack on Sony Pictures that forced the cancellation of a major film release is being seen as a serious national security matter, the US says.

A White House spokesman said the US believed the hacking was the work of a "sophisticated actor" - but refused to confirm if North Korea was responsible.

Sony withdrew The Interview, a new comedy film about North Korea's leader, after threats from hackers.

Hackers have already released sensitive information stored on Sony computers.

They later issued a warning to members of the public planning to see The Interview.

Referring to the 11 September 2001 terror attacks, they said "the world will be full of fear" if the film was screened.

Many cinemas scrapped plans to show the film, and Sony then cancelled the release of the film altogether - moves criticised in Hollywood as an attack on the freedom of expression.

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