Saturday, November 22, 2014

Dokset Testimony: I Did Not Intend To Kill Her

PHUKET : Norwegian prisoner in Phuket, Stein Havard Dokset – prime suspect in the infamous “Body in the bin” case – gave official testimony in court today, reiterating that he did not intend to kill his late partner, Rungnapa “June” Ratchasombut.

Today’s hearing at the Phuket Provincial Court follows a five-month adjournment of the legal proceedings to allow for “blood money” compensation negotiations.

Initially calm, Dokset told his side of the story to the court. Interrogated by his own lawyer as well as the public prosecutor, he described the nature of his relationship and history with the victim.

When he came to speak about the early 2009 incident, he broke into tears, insisting that the death was not a case of premeditated murder.

He admitted that he was “emotional and aggressive” during the time of the incident, but that he did not intend to kill his ex-partner, and that she had died as the result of an accident.

Dokset denied the charge of “possessing a gun without a permit”, claiming that the gun found at his residence had belonged to the victim. [The gun was found by police in 2012 following Dokset’s arrest but has not been connected to the death of the victim]

Dokset did, however, admit to “hiding the body for personal reasons”.

Specific details of said reasons were shared with the court, the victim’s family, media and lawyers; however, the judge ordered everyone in attendance not to share details until a verdict has been reached and made public.

The hearing concluded at about 4pm today, after which Rungnapa's family lawyer told The Phuket News that a settlement had already been agreed upon, in which Dokset had agreed to compensate the victim’s four children with a total of B1.8 million, which would derive from the sell of the former residence of Dokset and Rungapa.

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