Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tourist Murder Suspects Confess To Human Rights Commissioner

KOH TAO : -- Human rights commissioner said today (Tuesday) the two Myanmar migrant workers arrested on charges of murdering the two British backpackers on Koh Tao admitted to him that they committed the crime as charged.
The commissioner, Mr Prinya Sirisarakan, and his staff visited the two suspects at a prison on Koh Samui where they are being detained pending prosecution.

Commenting on the suspicion by netizens in the social media that the two suspects might be just scapegoats, Mr Prinya  suggested that the police should disclose more details about the case to clear up the air.

He said the two told him that they drank  beer and wine before they attacked the two British tourists and he suspected that they might be drunk at the time they committed the crime.

He went on saying that he would notify the police about their interpreter who was a Rohingya as the two suspects did not trust the interpreter and were afraid that they might not be treated fairly.

Meanwhile, Ms Pornpen Kongkachornkiat, director of Cross Cultural Foundation and a member of the subcommittee of the National Human Rights Commission and a representative of foreign migrant workers’ network called on Mr Paibul Artchavananthakul, Koh Samui public prosecutor, to follow up the case against the two Myanmar suspects, Win and Sorin.

She said that she felt relieved that the case was proceeding in accordance with procedures.

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