Saturday, September 27, 2014

Prayut Not In A Hurry To Head Abroad

BANGKOK: -- Foreign trips by Thai leaders are important and are widely watched by the international community but Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha says he will not waste the national budget on unnecessary visits abroad.

Thai prime ministers usually head overseas to introduce themselves internationally shortly after taking office, but Prayut is yet to do so.

It is widely expected that Prayut will visit Myanmar first in early October but the date has not been fixed yet.

Many countries in the region, notably Asean members, have extended an invitation for the new prime minister to visit.

Prayut thanked the countries, saying the invitations reflected Thailand's importance.

He was speaking yesterday in his weekly TV programme, "Return Happiness to Thai People", which is broadcast on all stations. He said he was aware that many people wanted to find out when he would head overseas but he was still considering the matter.

Given what was happening in the country, it might not be the right time for international visits, he said. "Therefore, foreign visits must be substantive, of real benefit and worthy of the people's taxes," he said.

Prayut said he was considering attending regional and international meetings such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in China and Asean summits in Myanmar, which would give him the opportunity to introduce himself to a host of foreign leaders.

The Foreign Ministry would normally propose schedules for a prime minister's overseas trips. The countries are usually categorised into three groups - neighbouring countries, other Asian countries, and Western countries, including in Europe. Visits to Asean countries are traditionally a priority.

The countries in the pipeline for a Prayut visit are Myanmar, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, according to a source at the Foreign Ministry.

Prayut has assigned concerned agencies to consult one another other on the timing of the visits, bearing in mind the potential benefit for Thais in yielding tangible results, the source said.

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